Hello, I'm Hails and I make things with software.

I use my technology skills to help people be more informed, engaged, and productive in response to the world around them. This can be anything from a data visualization or a productivity tool or a combination of both.

My main tools are Python, React, Node, and D3.

A collection of my work ranging from software projects to community activities.

The BList

A website that aggregates books from various notable book lists, including well-known book clubs and national book awards. This website is backed by an Express.js API that scrapes the various book websites.

*Tools: React.js, Node.js, Express.js

Time Vs. Money

A web app that let's you calculate your budget in terms of your time. The hope is this tool can help people think about income inequality by letting people see in an aggregate format how long they have to work to cover their monthly expenses.

*Tools: JavaScript

Team Commute Metrics

A web app that calculates aggregate metrics of your team's commute to work. Inspired by the work-from-home phenomena.

*Tools: JavaScript, Google Maps API

Comparison of Senator Ages

A comparison of senator ages on election day in 1992, 2002, 2012, and 2022. This analysis revealed that since 1992 there's been over a 2x increase in senators aged 70 and over. In addition there's been exactly a 7x increase in senators 80 and over.

*Tools: Google Sheets

Senate Ages (2022)

A histogram of the ages currently serving U.S. senators will be on the 2022 election day, and a comparison of senate age distribution vs. U.S. population.

*Tools: Google Sheets

City Scrapers, Software Developer

Since November 2021 I have been involved with the open source City Scrapers project from City Bureau and currently help manage the project which consists of (15) code repositories and ~400 scrapers. City Scrapers supports the Documenters program by scraping websites for public meeting information.

In August 2022 I was responsible for the initial scraper builds for the Fresno, California Documenters program. This entailed building out (30) scrapers and bringing the repository's open issues down from (36) to (3) within our inital (2) month deadline.

In 2023 I was responsible for the repository setup and initial scraper builds for the Dallas, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Grand Rapids, San Diego, Spokane, and Gary Documenters programs.

In addition I engage with open source contributors, have lead a Build Night, and respond to open issues from various Documenters programs.

*Tools: Python, Scrapy, Civic/Community Engagement

Data Days CLE, Planning Committee

Data Days Cle is a local conference focused on utilizing data for the public good.

I have served on the planning committee for the 2022 and 2023 conference years.

For the 2022 conference I also worked with a friend to create an interactive crowdsourced map of notable places from conference attendees.

*Tools: Javascript, Google Maps API

2022 SRCCON, Session Co-Facilitator

Co-facilitated a (70) minute session at the 2022 SRCCON titled "From silos to solutions: Open-sourcing your newsroom's internal tools". I specifically spoke about developing community around a project, getting buy-in from organizations, and developing projects that are sustainable.

*Tools: Presentation

A Few Thoughts.

"A little bit of obsession gets a hell of a lot of work done." ~ (somebody on a podcast)

Team Human (even when it’s super hard).

The room where it happens is not the room in Washington D.C., it’s the room that’s down the street from you.

Remember, when you’re dying, you’re the one who’s dying.

"The goal of Everest is not to get to the summit, the goal is to get back down to the base of the mountain." ~ Kenneth "Ken" Kamler, M.D

"Maximize your contribution." ~ Carl Topilow

You don’t put a man on the moon by accident.

Contact Me.

I love meeting new people, come say hi and start a conversation. The best way to contact me is through DM on Twitter @whatuphails.
I'm an avid Twitter user so I promise I'll see your message.